Cuscuta coryli
Cuscuta coryli Engelm., Amer. J. Sci. Arts 43: 337. 1842.
Cuscuta coryli Engelm. var. stylosa Engelm., Amer. J. Sci. 43: 337.
Cuscuta inflexa Engelm., Trans. Acad. St. Louis 1:502. 1859.
Cuscuta crenulata Engelm. London J. Bot. 2: 197. 1843.
Cuscuta compacta var. crenulata (Engelm.) Choisy, Prodr. 9: 459. 1845.
Costea, M., G. L. Nesom, and S. Stefanović. 2006. Taxonomy of Cindecora complex in North America. Sida22: 176–195.
Costea, M. 2007-onwards. Digital Atlas of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). Wilfrid Laurier University Herbarium, Ontario, Canada. Morphology of type specimen; pollen; living plants.
Yuncker, J. G. 1932. The genus Cuscuta. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 18:113–331.
Biogeography, Ecology and Natural History
North America: U.S.A. and Canada
Wide range of herbaceous and woody species, including Aster, Helianthus, Solidago, Monarda, and Rubus; elevation 50–200 m.
Cuscuta coryli isclosely related to C. indecora fromwhich differs through the often small, 4-merous, flowers, infrastaminal scalesbifid with 1–3 fimbriae on each side of filament attachment, or with denticulatewings, and the depressed, not translucent capsules.