Merremia pterygocaulos
Ethiopia; widespread throughout tropical Africa from Ethiopiawestwards to West Africa, and southwards to South Africa extending to Madagascar.
Grassland, often by streams and near swamps; 1000 - 2200 m.
Merremia pterygocaulos (Steud. ex Choisy) Hallierf, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552(1893); Cufod., Enum. P1. Aethiop.: 744 (1961); Verdc., Flora Trop. East Afr.,Convolvulaceae:5 7 (1963); Goncalves, Flora Zamb. 8 (1): 42 (1987). Type: Ethiopia,Tigray, near Mai Dogale, SchimperI I: 630 (holotype G; isotypes BM, K).
Kew Bulletin, Vol. 56, No. 4 (2001), pp. 931-943
Convolvulus pterygocaulos Steud., in sched., Schimper P1. Abyss. 2, no. 630. Type asabove.
Ipomoeap terygocaulosC hoisy, DC., Prodr. 9: 381 (1845). Type as above.
Gunn (Brittonia 24: 150–168. 1972) discussed the nomenclature of this species, and took up the name I. turbinata Lagasca for it. Subsequently, Staples et al. (Taxon 54: 1075–1079. 2005) established that the correct name has to be I. muricata (L.) Jacq.