Argyreia mollis
Argyreia mollis (Burm.f.) Choisy, Mém Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 421. 1834.
Convolvulus mollis Burm.f., Fl. Indica 44. pl. 17. 1768.
Convolvulus sericeus L., Mant. Pl. 1: 43. 1767.
Staples, G. & P. Traiperm. 2010. Argyreia in Convolvulaceae. Fl. Thailand 10(3): 337–371.
Biogeography, Ecology and Natural History
Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Sunny places, clearings, and roadsides in deciduous and evergreen
forest, pine plantations, regrowth vegetation, on shale, phyllite, and granite
substrates; altitude: 220–1630 m.
Flowering: September–December; fruiting: February, December.
Staples, G. & P. Traiperm. 2010. Argyreia in Convolvulaceae. Fl. Thailand 10(3): 337–371.
Other information
The taxonomic concept followed here for A. mollis is narrower than the broad one adopted by Van Ooststroom. Notably, Argyreia obtecta has been resurrected as a distinct species. The plants from continental Asian show more diversity than the Malesian populations and it is not clear if this can all be accommodated in a single, albeit variable species. The characters useful for recognizing A. mollis at a glance are: upper surface of leaf glabrous; blades tending to be broadest at or below the middle; veins (in dry state) prominent on upper side; underside shining silvery sericeous; sepals oblong to oblong-elliptic, the backs of all sepals entirely covered with hairs (e.g. no glabrous margins).
Chemical Data
Calystegines (epigeal vegetative parts, roots): A3, B1, B2, B3, C1. # Ergoline alkaloids (seeds): chanoclavine-I, chanoclavine-II, rac. chanoclavine-II, agroclavine, festuclavine, elymoclavine, isolysergol, penniclavine, ergosine. # Loline alkaloids (epigeal vegetative parts, roots): loline, N-methylloline, N-formylloline. # Flavonol sulfates (roots): quercetin 7-methyl ether-3,3'-disulfate.
Calystegines: Schimming, T, et al. 2005. # Ergoline alkaloids: Chao, J-M, der Marderosian AH. 1973. # Loline alkaloids: Tofern, B, et al. 1999. # Flavonol sulfates: Mann, P, et al. 1999. # General review (family): Eich, E. 2008. # Overview: Chemistry of Convolvulaceae.