DICHONDRA Forst. & Forst. f., Char. Gen. Pl. 39(1776)
Demidofia J.F. Gmel., Syst. 458 (1791).
Steripha Banks ex Gaertn., Fr. & Sem. Pl. 2: 81. t. 94, f. 6 (1791).
Dichondropsis Brandegee, University of California Publications in Botany 3(8): 388 (1909).
Dichondra repens Forst. & Forst. f., Char. Gen. Pl. 40. t. 20 (1776).
Chromosome details
United States to Argentina and Chile, Australia (D. repens), New Zealand (D. brevifolia, D. repens), and introduced in Old World. map
Growing in varied habitats, from grasslands and semi-desert to woodlands, heliophilic. Probably autogamous.
Related to Petrogenia as first pointed out by Tharp and Johnston (1961) and later supported by Stefanovic et al. (2002). Falkia and Nephrophyllum in eastern Africa and the Middle-East are close to Dichondra in morphology.
Fruits very deeply bilobed, the carpels usually 1-seeded … subg. Dichondra
Fruits entire or merely emarginate, often with 2 seeds in each carpel … subg. Capsularia
Austin, D. F. 1998. The Indiscriminate vector: Human distribution of Dichondra micrantha (Convolvulaceae). Economic Botany 52(1):88-106.
Austin, D. F., and P. B. Cavalcante. 1982. Convolvuláceas da Amazônia. Publicaçðes Avulsas, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi 36:1-134.
Austin, D. F., Sebsebse Demissew & Jill Young. 1998. Studies of Florida Convolvulaceae‑‑VI. Dichondra. Florida Scientist 61 (3/4):195‑202.
Mill, R. R. 1999. Family 165. Convolvulaceae. Pages 834-862 in Flora of Bhutan. Including a Record of Plants from Sikkim and Darjeeling (D. G. Long, ed.) Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Royal Government of Bhutan, Edinburgh & Bhutan.
Stefanovic, S., L. Krueger, and R. G. Olmstead. 2002. Monophyly of the Convolvulaceae and circumscription of their major lineages based on DNA sequences of multiple chloroplast loci. American Journal of Botany 89(9): 1510-1522.
Welman, WG. 1999. Notes on Dichondra and Xenostegia (Convolvulaceae) in southern Africa. Bothalia 29:253-254.
There has been no revision of the genus and the estimated number of species remains tentative.