The study on ten genera of Convolvulaceae in Thailand

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:B. Songkhla, Khunwasi
Journal:Thai Forest Bulletin. Botany
Keywords:Aniseia, Bonamia, CUSCUTA, ecology, Evolvulus, Hewittia, Jacquemontia, Merremia, Neuropeltis, new records, Operculina, Southeast Asia, Xenostegia

Twenty six species and one variety belonging to ten genera of Thai Convolvulaceae have been studied from the collections of herbarium specimens. Identification keys to the genera and species based on vegetative and flowering materials have been constructed. Full descriptions of all species including distribution, ecology, localities, flowering period and uses have been provided. The line drawings and colour photographs of their habits and flowers have been incorporated.

Alternate Journal:Thai Forest Bull., Bot.
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