Ipomoea polymorpha Roem. & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 4: 254. 1819.
Convolvulus defloratus Choisy
C. nolaniflorus Zipp. ex Spanoghe
C. robertianus Spreng.
Ipomoea heterophylla R. Br.
I. pumila Spanoghe
I. tashiroi Matsumura
Fang R.C., G. Staples, et al. 1995. Convolvulaceae in P. Raven & C.Y. Wu (eds.) Flora of China 16: 271–325.
Biogeography, Ecology and Natural History
China (Hainan, Taiwan), Cambodia, ?India, Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands Islands), Laos, Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines, Vietnam; Africa, Australia (Western Australia; Northen Territory; Queensland; New South Wales).
sandy seashores; less than 100 m.
Flowers: throughout the year, mainly Jan.-May.
Fang R.C., G. Staples, et al. 1995. Convolvulaceae in P. Raven & C.Y. Wu (eds.) Flora of China 16: 271–325.
Johnson, R.W. [unpublished]. Convolvulaceae In eFloraSA [Electronic Flora of South Australia].
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