Argyreia wallichii Choisy, Mém.Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 421. 1834.
Fang R.C., G. Staples, et al. 1995. Convolvulaceae in P. Raven & C.Y. Wu (eds.) Flora of China 16: 271–325.
Fang R.C., G. Staples, et al. 1995. Convolvulaceae in P. Raven & C.Y. Wu (eds.) Flora of China 16: 271–325.
Biogeography, Ecology and Natural History
China (S Guizhou, SW Sichuan, S Yunnan), Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Sikkim, N Thailand.
China: In
thickets, forests; 800–1500 m.
Thailand: Sunny places in mixed evergreen forest, grassy fields, bamboo
forest, moist gallery forest along stream through deciduous dipterocarp forest,
often on limestone or calcareous soil; elevation 1200–1450 m.
Flw. Aug-Nov, frt. Nov-Mar.
Fang R.C., G. Staples, et al. 1995. Convolvulaceae in P. Raven & C.Y. Wu (eds.) Flora of China 16: 271–325.
Staples, G. & P. Traiperm. 2010. Argyreia in Convolvulaceae. Fl. Thailand 10(3): 337–371.
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