Accepted name/Authority/Place of publication:
Turbina Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 81. (1838).
Legendrea Webb and Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canar. 3(2): 26. 1844. Type: L. mollissima Webb and Berth. loc. cit. 27 (=Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. forma mollissima (Webb. and berth.) Stearn).
Rivea sensu auct. mult., non Choisy (1834) nec Ooststroom (1943).
Type Species:
Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.
Lianas or erect shrubs; roots enlarged and fusiform in some species; sap milky in some species; older stems woody, twining, scrambling or prostrate (rarely erect), the tips herbaceous and usually twining, silvery pubescent or glabrous.
Leaves petiolate [or subsessile], the blade simple, cordiform or ovate [or narrowly oblong or linear], with 4-8 pairs of secondary veins, the veins often prominent on the under surface of the blade.
Inflorescence cymose or thyrsiform [or flowers solitary], axillary or terminal on lateral branches, the bracts 2, scale-like or foliaceous [or subulate or linear], often reddish colored and sometimes persistent in fruit.
Flowers showy, sometimes fragrant; sepals 5, quincuncial equal or unequal, appressed to the corolla at anthesis, accrescent, scarious and ± spreading in fruit; corolla campanulate, funnelform or salverform, greenish-white, pink, lavender or red, sericeous on the interplicae or with only a minute tuft of trichomes at the tip of each petal and otherwise glabrous; stamens 5, the filaments dilated basally and adnate to the corolla tube, free and filamentous above, with a tangle of glandular hairs around the point where each filament departs from the corolla, glabrous above and below that area; pollen spheroidal, spinulose, pantoporate; disc annular, ovary conical to void, glabrous [or silvery sericeous], the base often indurated and persistent in fruit, stigmas 2, globose.
Seeds ovoid or ellipsoid, puberulent with erect trichomes, rarely glabrous.
Fruit indehiscent, with a coriaceous or subligneous pericarp, usually 1-seeded, capped by the style base, subtended by the scarious, accrescent calyx.
Seeds ovoid or ellipsoid, puberulent with erect trichomes, rarely glabrous.
Distributed in the tropics of New Caledonia, Africa, and the Americas. It is likely that additional America taxa remain undescribed or assigned. map
Number of Species: